Addenbrookes Hospital

In January 2022, Addenbrookes Hospital approached us to see if we could help them. They run a drive-thru phlebotomy service out of a park and ride based in Cambridge but patients were forming long queues which were spilling out on to the main road and causing obstructions to other road users. Rather than have cars queueing up like this they wanted patients to park anywhere throughout the car park and only approach the drive-thru when their ticket number was shown on a large digital display.
Our Sales Manager, Bob Grummitt, visited the site to demonstrate our products and discuss a suitable digit size. Addenbrookes decided upon 24 inch (600mm) high digits and a wireless remote to easily change the displayed number.
Addenbrookes were keen to get the display as quickly as possible and we were keen to help the NHS in their great work so we designed and manufactured the display in just 2 weeks.