Budget Panel Meters

Our INTUITVE range of panel meters have a comprehensive range of functions, which meet the requirements of several applications. However, when you need a simplified panel meter with the reliability of the INT4, the IJ4 INTUITIVE-JUNIOR and IL4 INTUITIVE-LITE are the panel meters for you!
Made from the same components as the INT4, these budget meters are perfect for the current economic climate. Based on our most popular INT4-L and INT4-P, the JUNIOR and LITE are there for your basic needs. These meters still have the option of red or green digits but have a reduced number of outputs.
The IL4 has no output options but is available as a load cell or process meter. The IJ4 has 2 x SPST mechanical relay outputs and is also available as a load cell or process meter. Whilst these meters won’t meet everyone’s requirements, if you need reduced options these are the meters for you.